Changes to DVD rights agreements

This information is from ACOFS (Australian Council of Film Societies) Bulletin, July 2012.

“Discussions with some DVD distributors are under way to deliver a DVD rights process that is easier to use and fairer to the film societies and distributors. Feedback from film societies has illustrated that the charges for DVD rights are too high for the smaller society but the larger film societies may not find it difficult or
unreasonable to pay more for the DVD rights.

While distributors would like to see a price increase across the board, they may be willing to balance this by retaining the current prices for the mid range societies or even offering a bargain price for the smaller ones. Recognising that some societies use many more DVDs than others, we are also discussing the possibility of agreeing on a “blanket licence” along the lines of a bulk discount arrangement.

There will be more details to follow in later Bulletins, but for the moment I wish to thank all societies that have submitted DVD usage stats with their annual affiliation applications as these have allowed us to focus on the real needs of the societies and put real figures to the estimates under discussion.”

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