Yandoit history in story – event no. 2

After our successful first Yandoit History in story event in August, the second event will be held on Saturday November 23rd 2013, 2.30pm until approx. 5.30pm. This time the theme is Yandoit Hills- stone Houses and the vineyards.
This second event will take the form of a short magical mystery walk around several old stone properties with underground wine cellars, followed by stories from memory keepers Betty Pedretti and Maurie Gervasoni. The event will be filmed and will contribute towards a local oral history archive.

This event is only available to locals or those with connections to Yandoit and Yandoit Hills. Numbers will be limited and RSVP is essential.

RSVP: to Nikki Marshall- mobile 0432 232 073 – nikki.marshall@oases.edu.au
or to Andrew Kimpton – mobile 0419311230 – made@yandoit.com.au

Once you RSVP more information will be provided about the location. BYO folding chair. Assistance will be provided to those who may have difficulty walking. Afternoon tea in the Swiss-Italian Style will be provided. A small donation is asked to cover food and other costs of the event.

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