
Waste collection for outlying areas, including Yandoit? — 3 Comments

  1. Although I thought it was a bit cheeky to count all non replies as a yes vote I’m not against the waste pick-up. We’re lucky in that we don’t have a long drive to pull the bins down which I know is a big negative for some households, but at the same time we’ve got pretty good at managing our waste so don’t think we’ll need to use the service for every pick up. Our chooks and worms are very well fed on our extra scraps so all that goes in our bins is plastic rubbish and some paper waste.I believe some tip tickets will be available in the new process to help. So although the extra expense is a pain, it will also save the community multiple trips to the tip and hopefully reduce the number of pests drawn to the rubbish around people’s homes.

  2. Hi all, my name is Michael Sayn, I have lived in Coomoora for over 20 years.
    Although I don’t speak for everyone in the Wombat forest, I do know that there are quite a number of residents that are against the decision to introduce a rubbish/recycling service to our small communities.
    I do sympathies for those that would like the service and feel that council should have arranged some community consultation prior to inflicting the result of an unfair vote/survey on us.
    Anyway, I attended the Yandoit community meeting, it was very well attended and well organized, when we were asked to put our hand up if we disagreed with this proposed service, almost every person (approx 45 people) in that hall put their hand up, everyone got to have their say regarding this matter.
    Time is running out, I would like to inform everyone that Ian Tinetti has organised a meeting at the Daylesford RSL this Monday, the 4th of May at 9.30am.
    Ian is also organizing a meeting at the Daylesford town hall (date to be announced), for the whole community. I encourage everyone to go to the meeting and show your support, if you are happy with the current council service and don’t want the proposed service.

  3. I have just bumped this item up to the top of the page because people are concerned about it.
    Also, a change to the proposal: the proposed wasted collection service now allows participants two tip tickets.

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