Locals object to rave party on Yandoit Creek Road

Locals have submitted to Mt. Alexander Shire the following objections to the Chi Woh Wah Town camping and music event, scheduled over three days, from February 24th to 26th now April 7 to 9 permit pending, 2017 on Yandoit Creek road.

Objections are on the basis of:
1. high fire risk and safety concerns for both attendees and community residents;
2. prolonged high levels of noise for community residents, farm animals and native fauna;
3. vehicle access dangers;
4. environmental impacts;
5. impact on farming zone;
6. previous experience of damage caused by similar ‘rave’ party event in the vicinity;
7. inconsistencies in application;
8. the impact of a large event being held in a small village community;
9. limited notification of the event amongst local residents;
10.loss of income and reputation for established B&B’s in the area;
11.emergency services concerns.

Here is the objection submission: rave-party-objection

Here are the documents submitted to Mt. Alexander Shire for the permit: Permit documentation.

Here is the FaceBook page for the event, which appears to be sold out already: Chi Wow Wah Town 2017

(Originally published 13th Dec 2016, updated)


Locals object to rave party on Yandoit Creek Road — 3 Comments

  1. Given that the event has now been postponed to outside of the fire season, and that the authorities are aware of the event and are working with the organisers, I see no reason to oppose the event.

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